Thank you everybody for your support!
I am surprised by the great ammount of support from all of you, I never expected to get this level support from a educational animation, I never thought I would be able to achieve this, thank you again for your support.
I've been reading your comments and I would like to address some of your questions here.
I know some of you have pointed out the lack of animation with the second part and as stated in the description of the animation, I did clarified that some animation would be sacrificed for the sake of consistency, specially since the goal of this project is more focused on the education part rather than the animation.
Do not get me wrong, I love to do animations and I love to do very complex animations, but unfortunately I've discovered that those type of animations done only by myself, take a long time to develope. Like many animators here, I 'm trying to do a living from animations, so I wanted to make a more "light animation" projects as such as "Learning the basics of Japanese language", which are easier and faster to do, to keep consistency on Youtube and Newgrounds and work in the mean time with more demanding and more elaborated projects that are more focused on the animation itself.
I'm aware that I need to find a balance to make this series more animated with out sacrificing consistency and I promise I will figure it out, so I appreciate your corncerns about the animation side of this project and Ican tell you, I am working on it.
Again, thanks again for your support! :)
Newgrounds - TheSin -
Youtube - Daimon -